Adjusting Your Sails

Let me tell you my story. I retired from the USAF in 2006 at age 42 thinking I had all the time I needed to adventure and travel to my hearts content. I started a second career as a civilian employee at USMA. Fast forward 3 years and a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis stopped me in my tracks. I immediately thought the worst and life as I knew it was over. I had to go through a whole battery of testing. To say it was frightening is an understatement. With the help of family and great doctors, it was explained that I diagnosis wasn’t necessarily the end of life. To quote Josh Shipp, “ You either get bitter or you get better”. I chose to get better. Now, there is no cure for Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and not everyone progresses. I didn’t for a long time, but unfortunately I have. I’m still not letting it stop me though and want to share that just because you have a disability, doesn’t mean you have to stop traveling and making memories. I hope you can get something from reading about my travels and get out and have some adventures. Being disabled doesn’t mean you have to sit home and watch the world go by, you just have to adjust your sails and roll with the waves.


Best Laid Plans